The big day from passion to commitment!

The big day from passion to commitment!

The secret to having an exceptional wedding is to budget your wedding and stick to it. This wedding budget will need to consider the wedding preparations and the celebration itself. The preparations include the wedding invitation cards, the groom’s suit, the bride’s dress, etc. The celebration includes everything related to the wedding reception (wedding caterer, shooting, entertainment, etc.). To avoid any disappointment, hire a wedding planner who will guarantee that the wedding will be carried out according to what you have agreed.

If savings are not enough to prepare for your wedding, it is possible to resort to wedding assistance. For this purpose, there is the wedding loan from financial organisations, which is simple and has a well-defined repayment schedule. In addition, the family can also participate by making donations or opting for a cash wedding gift, instead of following the gift list. Sponsored weddings should also be considered, where a company takes care of all or part of your wedding in exchange for publicity. Finally, there is wedding crowdfunding.

The wedding hall decoration must be structured around the wedding theme you have chosen, to avoid being too scattered. Light is also an essential element as it sets the mood. And don’t forget the table decoration, it’s what guests are most interested in.

A successful wedding decoration depends on the chosen theme, as it will structure the whole reception. If you have several wedding themes in mind, the most important thing is to find one that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Don’t forget that it also determines the wedding menu, the bridesmaids’ dresses and the bride’s dress.

If your couple has a penchant for outdoor weddings, an appropriate theme should be chosen. Opt for a wedding theme based on the seasons for best effect. Your wedding planner will have no shortage of ideas around winter white, autumn colours or spring flowers. For a sober wedding, the country theme allows for decoration around natural elements, wood and simple elements such as candles.

For the venue, several wedding themes will also do the trick. Why not choose a travel theme? You can name your tables after your favourite travel destinations. And let’s not forget the timeless theme of the royal wedding. With castle and fairytale settings, a bride-to-be can make her princess dreams come true for a day.

Light and lighting play an important role in the decoration of the wedding hall, especially if the festivities continue until dawn. On the one hand, they set the mood for the wedding reception, and on the other hand, they ensure the quality of your wedding photos.

If the theme you have chosen is quite friendly, you can opt for paper lanterns to reinforce the peaceful atmosphere. Or you can play with giant illuminated letters, with your initials, for a superstar effect. DIY and upcycling will give a more original touch, with glass bottles transformed into candles for example.

For a more immersive atmosphere, it is possible to synchronise a light show with the music played by the DJ. In any case, you should always provide enough light to facilitate the work of the videographers and photographers. After all, it is important to capture this unique moment.

The table decoration is one of your gifts to the guests. You can charm the guests with all the other decorations in the reception hall, but it is at the table that they will spend the most time. In addition, the wedding photographer will take pictures of you and your guests around each table.

There are a few things to consider when decorating your table, including the choice of chairs. Choose chairs that are appropriate to your theme and don’t hesitate to decorate them. In addition to tablecloths, consider a personalised wedding menu to be placed on each table. The effect of accessories such as a wedding favour box should not be overlooked either.

Hanging decorations also add character to your tables. Try hanging wedding flowers for a nice decoration without cluttering the tables. Don’t save on lace either, it’s a simple technique, but one that is still very popular for wedding table decorations.

The table runner is an essential part of the table decoration and completes the presentation of the table. By simply changing the table runner, the whole can become more convivial, more luxurious or more sober.

Place cards are the icing on the cake for table decoration. You can let your imagination run wild with their design: a small suit, a diamond place card, a small butterfly… the choice is yours.

The choice of florist is very important to have a fresh and well-matched bridal bouquet. The layout of the venue also requires a lot of floral decoration.

Before embarking on an outdoor wedding ceremony, there are a few details to consider, mostly concerning the form of the wedding. A secular ceremony, or a civil wedding, poses few problems, provided that you have discussed it thoroughly with the mayor. This is not the case for a religious wedding, which may be less flexible.

For an outdoor ceremony, choose a date when the chances of good weather are high. The space should also be well organised in case of wind, sunshine or other risks. Also, opt for a light and friendly decoration, such as the country theme. Finally, think about the light, because during the day, the outside light is ideal, but as soon as the evening comes, the management of the lighting becomes delicate.

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