How to finance your wedding when everything is expensive? Discover today all the tips and tricks to optimize the budget and offer you the wedding of your dreams. From the preparations to the reception, to the honeymoon, there are many good plans. This guide is for you if your D-day date is already set.

Try the participative wedding

Financing is obviously the most important part of the wedding planning. If parents used to participate in the expenses, this practice tends to disappear and the future brides and grooms often find themselves with colossal estimates on their hands. But the profiles of the future brides and grooms have also evolved. If in the past, marriage meant the development of the couple together, today's couples first live together and sometimes have children before getting married. Thus, the traditional wedding list intended to offer them what they would need in their new home is gradually giving way to what is called the participative wedding. This concept is very interesting because instead of offering gifts that the bride and groom would not use, the relatives offer them a financial participation. With the new technologies, you will not have to go door to door to "collect" the participations. You just have to create the event on an online platform specialized in participative wedding. I have noticed in my circle of friends that it is more and more widespread. This way, the announcement is no longer as weird and awkward as it may have been a few years ago.

Having a yard sale

A yard sale is a clever idea for couples who are moving in together after marriage. Actually, yard sale is just a generic term, but the idea is to get rid of what you won't use once you're settled in together. It is therefore the moment to resell what we have in duplicate and it can bring a lot, especially if the bride-to-be takes advantage of it to sort out her dressing room. There are several ways to resell the things:
  • The word of mouth for the close relations
  • The deposit-sale for furniture and large appliances
  • Flea markets
  • Yard sale sites such as Tictail for clothes, shoes, bags etc.
Dress sale 2.0 will save you time in sales. Use social networks with their hashtag and all these tools created to make your life easier. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are among the most effective networks for this kind of thing.

Embrace DIY or Do It Yourself

DIY is more trendy than ever. In fact, there's no better way to have a 100% custom wedding than with home-made decorations. And the concept is not limited to the decoration, you can also make the invitations yourself. How proud would you be to tell your guests that you put your heart, your sweat and your elbow grease into a unique wedding? In addition to being trendy and original, DIY is very economical. Of course, you won't have to do everything alone. This is the time to mobilize your friends and family who are only too happy to give you a hand. Wedding preparations are always stressful, it's universal! It always has been and it always will be. Where things are evolving is in the area of finances where the future bride and groom can be helped by their friends and family through the creation of invitations and part of the decoration or through the concept of participatory weddings where friends and family bring financial support.