The centerpiece is an essential element for the decoration of the wedding table. I will share with you today my experience to achieve a successful wedding decoration: An original centerpiece can beautify any wedding room, my guests were going to have it in front of them throughout the meal, that's why I did not want to neglect it. There are colored ones, more discreet ones, large ones, more or less high ones... I was careful not to choose centerpieces that were too high so that my guests could see each other without difficulty. Nothing worse than a decoration that would prevent communication!

Find a centerpiece at the best price

Here are some ideas for Feezia wedding centerpieces. I assumed that just because I wanted to find centerpieces worthy of a prince or princess, it didn't mean I had to break the bank. There are some great decorations available at a great price. Since I love roses, I chose round bouquets beautifully arranged in glass bowls and decorated containers. I opted for fresh flowers and a few dried ones, which look great. I hesitated with lilies or orchids, in which case I would have taken slender, translucent vases that would have highlighted these prestigious flowers.

A unique wedding table decoration

I almost chose more original centerpieces, especially from online stores like Feezia Mariage or Tati. For example, I found that lanterns or miniature cages filled with flowers gave a traditional or romantic touch to the wedding table. Since the theme chosen for this special day was quite sober, I finally made some reminders in the wedding hall. I learned that it was possible to opt for "collapsible" centerpieces, which means that they are made to be shared at the end of the meal and to make the guests happy. For example, if they are filled with fruit, guests can help themselves to it as they please. Containing small gifts with your image, such as small photo frames, they are a nice surprise for all the people present who can take them as a souvenir of our wedding....